The Heart of the Community

A great sense of achievement! “ Everyday I learn something new. It gives me pride and satisfaction to be giving back to my community. I feel welcomed and useful” – A quote from Sarah who has volunteered with SWCC for over five years. “I would highly recommend a volunteering role which not only benefits the elderly […]
Read MoreBeat the Heat

Caring for an older person during extreme heat Carers are encouraged to check on an older person on days forecast for hot weather. Especially if they live alone. Visit them if you can, rather than just talking on the phone. Ensure they are drinking enough water Look for any changes to their physical condition. Have […]
Read MoreSupport at Home Program

Changes to aged care The Australian Government is making positive changes to aged care.These changes – known as the aged care reforms – will improve aged care in Australia now and into the future.Many of these changes are in response to recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Our vision is […]
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